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Academic project page

Simple project page for your academic paper



Created by
Roman Hauksson

This is a template you can use to create a simple project page for your research paper. It was adopted from Eliahu Horwitz's Academic Project Page Template, which was adopted from Keunhong Park's project page for Nerfies. It's licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


  • Tailwind CSS: Styled with Tailwind CSS for utility-first, responsive design.
  • MDX: Edit the template in MDX, which allows you to write content in Markdown and use JSX variables, expressions, and components.
  • Native components: Includes components for figures, videos, YouTube embeds, two-column sections, and LaTeX equations.
  • Code highlighting: Syntax highlighting for code blocks using Shiki.
  • Responsive design: Fully responsive layout that looks great on all devices.